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We Use the Classical Model to Train Students to Impact Their Culture for Christ

“Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy, think about these things.”
Philippians 4:8
Welcome from the Headmaster
Welcome to Providence Classical School. We are humbled to see what the Lord has done and is doing in our school. Using the classical model, we train our students to impact their culture for Christ. While this mission does include the broader culture outside of PCS and the future culture our students will experience after graduation, we also charge our students to impact our own school culture for Christ. We desire for every aspect of our school to bring glory to God.
We appreciate your consideration of PCS! Recognizing that children spend at least thirty-five hours a week at school, we want you to know that we do not take this responsibility lightly. We are committed to guiding the hearts of our students and teaching with excellence. Our teachers, the most influential asset of our school, love the Lord, love their students, and are passionate about the subjects they teach.
I encourage you to browse our website and learn about the mission, vision, and programs of PCS. I also encourage you to contact our Admissions Office to schedule a visit on our campus or to find out about upcoming opportunities to learn more about PCS.
Semper excelsior ad gloriam Dei
(Always ever upward to the glory of God!)
Richard R. Halloran
The Providence Story
Three sets of parents with a heart for education met at a kitchen table and began discussing their dreams of a distinctive school where students could be taught in the grand Western tradition that produced its greatest thinkers. They all agreed that the classical Christian model of education is the key to developing students who could reason logically and communicate winsomely from a biblical worldview.
Providence Classical School first opened its doors in a renovated shopping mall with twelve students and a faculty of five. Despite the sparse surroundings, the students thrived under the nurturing guidance of their dedicated teachers as they learned within the framework of the time-tested trivium and a Christian perspective. A concrete parking lot served as the playground, where students enjoyed games of four square and wiffle ball.
With 160 students, PCS moved to Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church. In this lovely location, the school grew to 345 students in grades Pre-K through 12. As the school continued to grow and thrive, the Providence family began to recognize the need for a permanent home. After years of prayer and research, the Providence Board, administration and steering committee unanimously decided to purchase nineteen acres in Gleannloch Farms.
Through leadership gifts from the Board, administration, and a small group of parents and grandparents, PCS successfully sought commitments for $1.5 of the $1.7 million needed to purchase the property. As a result of these initial pledges to the Land Development Phase, plus additional pledges in the “quiet phase” of Phase I, PCS completely paid for the Gleannloch property by the end of the 2012-13 fiscal year. Also during this time, architectural plans began to take shape.
Through God’s goodness and great provision, an opportunity arose for PCS during the 2012-13 school year, and plans for the permanent home changed…
In early March, PCS sold the property in Gleannloch Farms to a homebuilder and days later, purchased 36.5 acres of land from Faithbridge Church. Providence gained 17.5 additional acres and roughly $1 million from these two deals. The new land was beautiful, and the architects adjusted the Master Facilities Plan for the new space. One hundred percent of the net funds were reserved for construction of our new campus.
Groundbreaking for the new campus occurred in the Fall of 2014, with plans to begin our 2015-16 school year on our new permanent location at 18100 Stuebner Airline Rd.
With God’s love and grace, Providence Classical School moved to this new facility in mid-October, where we continue to achieve our mission of training students to impact their culture for Christ.
Our Mission
Providence Classical School is a Christian school using the classical model to train students to impact their culture for Christ.
We stress the unity of knowledge…
and we teach all subjects as part of an integrated whole. History is the story of God working in individuals and nations. It has a purpose and a destination. Because we are a Western culture, we study Western civilization with all its triumphs and failures. Literature, music, and art are mankind’s reflection of their understanding of the world. Properly done, the arts are a doxology, praising God, and reflecting His truth, goodness, and beauty. Science and math are tangible evidence of God’s orderliness and are our tools to explore the world and marvel at its design.
We believe good students are good thinkers…
Latin and formal logic sharpen our minds and teach us to analyze. We live in an increasingly complex world full of ideas designed to influence the mind and emotions. The moral character of our society can only be protected by citizens that know how to think for themselves and willfully avoid the skillful, technology reinforced manipulation of advertisers and political figures.
Our Vision
The Ideal PCS Graduate
At PCS, we desire that our students will be transformed by the renewing of their minds. In order that we might strive together to this end, we submit the following as the goals of our educational and cultural endeavors. The ideal PCS graduate will be known for the following traits:
In their CHARACTER, graduates will…
- Seek to bear nobly the image of Christ.
- Seek to serve God and the community humbly with his/her God-given resources.
- Demonstrate discipline, honor and integrity in a well-balanced life.
- Respect proper authority, yet be capable and willing to lead.
- Pursue passionately the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of the world.
- Authentically live out their faith in practice.
In their DISCERNMENT, graduates will…
- Recognize, appreciate and pursue beauty and truth through both logical and poetic thought and observation.
- Seek to understand God’s redemptive plan in the rich intricacies of history, current events and the natural world.
- Listen, evaluate, and reason through the filter of a coherent and Biblical worldview.
- View every story as a reflection or a distortion of the True Story.
- Choose leisure activities that are creative and restorative.
- Desire and exercise wisdom for wisdom’s sake above any pragmatic ends.
In their COMMUNICATION, graduates will…
- Engage and redeem culture, being recognized for their eloquence and grace as they do so.
- Employ clarity, logic and style in both speech and composition.
- Articulate respectfully and defend winsomely their positions with confidence and intelligence.
- Submit to listen and to understand before passing judgment.
- Present the truth of the gospel of Christ graciously through word and deed.
In their KNOWLEDGE, graduates will…
- Understand that God is the author and fount of all truth, goodness, and beauty.
- Recognize that all humans are created in God’s image and bear that image in the following ways: by ruling, serving, and caretaking our “gardens” of responsibility.
- Acknowledge that our work is modeled after God’s work as we create with truth, goodness, and beauty in community with others.
- Understand that the gospel is the answer to all of life.
- Master the primary academic disciplines, including a thorough grasp of the history, literature and philosophy of Western civilization.
- Engage in the “great conversation” and in a lifelong pursuit of learning.
- Understand the fundamentals of each of the liberal arts and intuitively recognize how to integrate these disciplines in work and thought.
Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God, completely inerrant in the original writings.
- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe God created the universe by His power and word.
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful people. By God’s grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone are we saved from our sin. We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.