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The House System

a place for Paladins to belong, worship, serve, and lead within the PCS family

About the House SystemPCS Houses

About the House System

The house system had its beginnings in academic institutions. In the early Middle Ages, students who desired an education would gather in a city where a Master Teacher was living. With this Master, they would share a house and devote themselves to study. The Master not only taught these students their academics but also disciplined them in their Christian walk. These gatherings of students were the foundations of the great universities of Europe. Today, the term “house” refers simply to groupings of pupils, with no buildings involved.

At Providence Classical School, the House System gives 7th-12th graders a built-in place to belong in Upper School. At the end of 6th grade, students are welcomed into their new Houses — Dragon, Gryphon, Leviathan, or Phoenix — and participate in their first House Games. 7th graders and new Paladins are assigned student mentors to help them assimilate into the culture of their House family. Within each House, there are opportunities for leadership and service with the guidance and support of Upper School faculty. House members take part in monthly House Chapels, socialize on and off campus, and compete in House Games to win the annual House Cup.

Goals of the House System


The Dragon, although frequently thought to represent only evil, has also been used to represent godly characteristics, particularly self-sacrifice. Known for its pride and passion, it is only in dying to self that true life is attained. This is one reason why the dragon, sometimes represented as a serpent, is used as the medical symbol of healing. Dragons are challenged to learn that honor comes through self-sacrifice and that purity is as gold.


The Gryphon, a combination of a lion and an eagle, has been used in literature to symbolize the dual nature of Christ as both God and Man. The lion and the eagle separately represent two of the four Gospels. The regal Lion of the tribe of Judah and the battle-ready King of the skies blend together to emphasize the right of Christ Jesus to rule and defend His people. Gryphons are challenged to be loyal to the cause of Christ and to His Kingdom.


The Leviathan, mentioned in both Job and Psalms, is a mysterious creature. He is pictured as being monstrous in size with smoke rising from his nostrils and a tail like a tree trunk. He is a picture of the might and majesty of God. Leviathan is also spoken of in Scripture as a creature God uses to execute His will. Leviathan, then, demonstrates strength in submission to authority. Leviathans are challenged to become humble in the service of our great God.


The Phoenix is traditionally associated with death, resurrection, and immortality. In literary tradition, the phoenix’s tears bring healing, and its song gives protection to the saints. Traditionally, a phoenix was impossible to tame, except by a true saint of God. Once every 500 years, the phoenix dies in flames and is reborn from the ashes. Phoenixes are challenged to seek mercy and to serve even the least among us to the glory of God.

Goals of the PCS House System

  • To assimilate new students into the PCS culture
  • To enable students to form bonds of fellowship
  • To inspire a vibrant walk with God
  • To more effectively serve others within our school and community
  • To provide opportunities for students to lead and mentor others
  • To encourage Godly accountability between students
  • To foster a love of learning and academic excellence





PreK – 12 School Preview

You Are Invited!

Thursday, January 23 at 6:00 PM