Why Providence Classical School? (Part 2)
Parenting “success” can sometimes seem like a moving target as your child’s needs change and develop. Christian families desire that their children reach their full, God-given potential academically, spiritually, and relationally. But how can we be sure we’re continually preparing our children for life after high school, college, and beyond?
For most students, the type of classical Christian education and services offered at Providence Classical School provide the best partnership for parents as they shepherd their children through life.
But you don’t have to take our word for it! Read what current PCS families have to say about why they continue to choose Providence Classical School year after year for their children.

How is Providence Classical School different from other schools?
Steve & Mary Klein
Catherine (Class of 2020) & Kaylynn (10th)
Our girls began at PCS in the fall of 2017. At the time, they were in 10th and 7th grade. The past year had been incredibly difficult as Catherine and Kaylynn had lost their beloved older sister in a horse-riding accident in November 2016. We all felt led to make this change even though we had some apprehension of moving our then 10th grader, Catherine, at that point in her education.
We cannot express how thankful we are for the way the school was sensitive to our grieving family. The teachers encouraged and uplifted our girls and welcomed them with enthusiasm. We will never forget that first anniversary of our older daughter, Anna, going to be with Jesus and how accommodating the school and teachers were to allow us to be together as a family that day.
As Christians, we believe parents are the primary disciplers of their children, although we greatly value the input of other believers in their lives. What we were not aware of as we initially came to PCS, was the huge impact the education would have on our daughters’ developing faiths. Over and over, we have shared with other families about why we drive thirty minutes to school and back each day – because of the way PCS has partnered with us in helping our girls own their own faith and understand the God who made them and loves them and has specific purpose for their lives.
After Catherine graduated last year, having gone through Theology, Ethics, and Apologetics, she called me her first week of college and asked me to bring her Apologetics notebook the next time we saw her. She relayed that one of her professors was an atheist, and she wanted to review some of the material she had learned at PCS to be prepared if she got asked a question.
The culture and environment at PCS of helping Upper School students develop and communicate their values and morals and beliefs about their relationship with God, along with the excellence in academics, has prepared Catherine well for the rigors of a college education. Seeing Catherine thrive at Texas A&M has confirmed our decision to continue Kaylynn at PCS as we are already seeing the fruit of classical education in her faith, her education, and her relationships with others.
Above all, we are thankful for the intentionality our girls’ teachers have shown in developing relationships with both of them. The teachers have sought to connect and to build trust with our girls and have highlighted and encouraged their strengths as well as guided them in their weaknesses. Our girls trust their teachers. They know that their teachers are for them. That is vital to us as adoptive parents as we know that true influence and learning only come when there is a trusting relationship. And truly, we were created for connection – with God and with others. PCS has provided the strong foundation of a Christ-centered education that our girls will carry with them their whole lives as they influence their culture and communities for Christ.
Would you like to learn more about how classical Christian education at Providence can help you shepherd the heart and mind of your child? Watch our most recent video and schedule a tour with our Admissions Director today!
What motivates your family to stay at Providence Classical School long-term?
Jason & Mayeli Jones
Logan (11th) and Caelan (7th)
We began classical education when our oldest was starting Kindergarten. We now have two kids in the upper school – a Junior and a 7th grader. We can definitely see how classical Christian education prepares young minds to think critically and how it creates a solid Christian worldview.
In today’s world, where our values are so vastly different from the secular mindset, I am so thankful we decided to invest in classical Christian Education and PCS.

Why is Providence Classical School a worthwhile investment for your family?
John & Amy Davidson
Daniel (11th) & Ben (10th)
I recently had the privilege of substituting for Mr. Finkbeiner’s Ethics classes during which students were presenting 7-minute speeches on thought-provoking topics followed by 5-minute cross-examinations from their peers and Mr. Finkbeiner. Experiencing this process first-hand not only re-affirmed our choice of a superior Providence education, but it also filled me with sincere gratitude for our administration and teachers, and in particular, for Mr. Finkbeiner.
Each student chose a topic from a list of 150 – 200 topics and had to formulate a thesis statement, research supporting and opposing arguments, create an outline and then compose a short speech to present and defend in class. Moreover, each thesis had to be justified and supported through Biblical support and a Christian worldview. EVERY student presented a thoughtful and compelling speech that not only informed but engaged. Additionally, every cross-examination of each student’s work was respectfully given and received by students and rounded out with a gentle intellectual wallop from Mr. Finkbeiner that forced the student to think on their feet and defend their position or perhaps re-evaluate their stance.
While we always intend to discuss current topics at home, we are extremely grateful for an additional, consistent voice coming alongside us in raising children through a Christian lens. Mr. Finkbeiner is a champion of teaching our children how to think deeply, thoroughly examine facts, and communicate effectively in such a way that captures Truth at every turn. After these speeches, Mr. Finkbeiner will be discussing these same topics, in-depth, throughout the rest of the year, allowing our children an opportunity to refine or to reform their position.
Folks, it doesn’t get any better than this!!
Ever wonder where your child stands on abortion? Is there ever an exception where abortion is OK? Ever heard of second-wave feminism? CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing? Reparations? Or, how about how football and Christianity may not be compatible in America today? Is killing ever OK? Is affirmative action biblically just? Prisoner reforms and recidivism, anyone? Why are men leaving the church? Ever thought about whether it is more biblically sound to marry in your 20’s or to wait? What about your obligations as a Christian to financially support adoption and foster care? What if the food you eat from “factory farms” may not be what God intended? Is having ambition sinful? Is transgenderism in children biblically sound? These are just a handful of the speeches given last week.
Grab a chair, plan a dinner, carve out some time, settle in and dig into a great conversation with your child about these topics and see where it leads you. They have a lot to share! Ask them good questions. Respond thoughtfully and courteously. I promise, it will be fruitful for both of you.
With Christian parents at the helm and teachers like Mr. Finkbeiner bringing up the back, our children will be prepared for life after Providence and to impact their culture for Christ! To God be the Glory!
For a deeper understanding of the ROI of classical Christian education, read our post The “Good Soil” of Classical Christian Education.